My #1 app for supporting learning
and incresing motivation in any classroom is the Chatterpix kids app. I started using this when I was teaching French and Spanish because it distracts students and hooks them in a way that allows them to hide behind a character and drop their inhibitions.
Recoridng your own voice and seeing your own face on camera can be daunting (as we all know from recent pandemic zoom call times). The Chatterpix kids app eliminates that by using a picture in place of the student’s face. So, imagine you have taken your students on a virtual field trip to Italy. Well now you could ask them to find a picture of a bowl of pasta, upload it to the app, draw a line for a mouth and then record a couple of sentences about Italian cuisine. Once they have recorded it looks like the bowl of pasta is talking. It’s cute, it’s pretty, it allows them to take risks and be brave and it gives you solid audio evidence of their learning. Evidence you can save and share on your relevant platform.
I love it. I’m sure you will too.
Download the free ‘how-to’ PDF here.